When you need answers, Medistine can help.

Get an Expert Medical opinion from one of our World Renown Specialists so you can have the answers and confidence to make informed decisions about your health.


Top doctors





How it Works

medistine app

Our Specialists top priority is "YOU". It means delivering precise and reliable answers, and providing you with the assurance you rightfully expect.

Submit your request online on our website or call us on +91-9399352106.

Our case manager is with you on every step of your medical journey. They review your case and let you know the suitable doctors for consultation.

We will work with your current physician to finalize a clear diagnosis and a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Benefits for patients & caregivers

Access to world-class doctors

Get access to world-class knowledge and expertise. Maximize your chances of receiving accurate diagnosis and treatment.


No need to leave your home. Save your time and effort, eliminate the stress and travel expenses.

Peace of mind

Obtain peace of mind and reassurance, knowing that you have explored all available options and made the best possible decision for your health.

The peace of mind to proceed in confidence with Medistine


3rd leading cause of death is misdiagnosis


45% of cases have an incorrect Diagnosis


79% of treatments are changed or modified


44% of all surgeries are unnecessary

Why Medistine matters

Get a trusted second opinion from top U.S. and European specialists in Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology, Endocrinology, and more. Gain clarity and confidence by seeking an expert second opinion on our secure, user-friendly platform.

Engage with the best neurologists and top brain doctors from the US and Europe at Medistine…

Engage with top Urologist and Kidney doctors from trusted Second Opinion at…

Connect with top Cardiologist and Heart doctors from the US & Europe at…

Discover top Oncologist and Cancer doctors at Medistine. Get deeper insight…

Connect with top endocrinologist and thyroid doctors from the US & Europe at…

Talk to leading fertility doctors and reproductive experts from the US and Europe at…

Your health data

Prioritize privacy; seek healthcare advice from trusted professionals.

Rest assured, any information shared in our services is safeguarded. We utilize advanced encryption and security protocols, ensuring compliance with both HIPAA and GDPR standards to protect your privacy.

Have questions? Let’s find answers

Have more questions? Contact us

To interact with the our Health Assistant, please contact us via contact us form 

While the Medistine Health Assistant is designed to function as an AI Doctor and provide accurate and relevant information based on its training, it is important to note that it cannot guarantee complete accuracy. Always consult with a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan.

According to Johns Hopkins Hospital approximately 50% of cases have an incorrect treatment plan. Getting a second opinion helps ensure accuracy in diagnosis, validate treatment options, and potentially avoid unnecessary procedures, leading to better healthcare outcomes.

To get a medical second opinion, simply select the doctor of your choice from the Doctors Listing page and fill out the form on our platform. We will promptly contact you to arrange a consultation with the chosen doctor.